Tips and tricks for vacuum cleaners | Nilfisk
Αυγούστου 12, 2022

Tips and tricks for vacuum cleaners

Κατηγορίες: Best Practices

1. Clean the filters​
​​Clean vacuum filters are essential for maximizing efficiency. The best method is to regularly use another vacuum cleaner.​
2. Change the bag
​Be sure to change the vacuum bag before it overfills and splits.​

3. Listen to the tone
The first sign of a blockage is a change in the vacuum's tone, so listen closely and handle any blockages quickly.​

4. Don't bend over
There's no need to strain your back; let the vacuum do the work.​

5. Check the edges
​Remember to get those tricky spots by removing the floor tool from the hose, and don't bend over while you do.​

6. Prevent cable damage
Coil the lead-up every day, starting from the machine end. Doing so will prevent twist damage over time.​

7. Keep it clean
Use a damp cloth to keep the vacuum clean - inside and outside. It will look better, and last longer.​

8. Don't carry it
Pull the vacuum along, instead of carrying it. Be sure to use the wheels, and only carry it if you're going upstairs. ​

9. Vacuum up
Only vacuum stairs upwards, and locate the vacuum at the bottom of the stairs.​

10. Maintain the brush
Keep a pair of scissors handy, so you can remove any hair around the roller brush of an upright vacuum.​

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